We use the safest professional-grade BEYOND Whitening gel which is activated by the latest BEYOND LED Accelerator machine used by Dentists.
What this means for you is…. little risk of sensitivity, no burning gums, no swollen lips, no enamel damage or allergic reaction common with high strength peroxides. The results are fast and amazing and in most cases, only 1 session is required every 8-12 months*
(*dependant on lifestyle choices e.g. smoking, red wine, tea, coffee etc)
We currently offer 4 x Standard Treatment options:-
>>>Touchup - $199 - This treatment is designed for those wanting spot treatment to match teeth to veneers or single tooth stains. This treatment is only available for clients who have had a Teeth Whitening Treatment with us within the last 6 months.
>>>Maintenance - $199 - This treatment is designed for those looking to maintain a bright white smile. Must have had a whitening treatment with us within the last 12 months.
For: New Clients who have NOT had a Whitening Treatment with us before:-
>>>SpaWhite - $249 - This treatment is an effective whitening option recommended BEST for most first-timers with average staining caused by diet and lifestyle.
>>>BrightWhite - $299 - A powerful deep whitening option recommended BEST for those with badly stained teeth caused by diet and lifestyle*.
ADD-ON a Shape & Polish Manicure or Shape & Polish Pedicure and receive 20% OFF.
